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Triflex Training takes Centre Stage

Triflex Training DayAs a leading waterproofing manufacturer Triflex UK offer a range of training to ensure all facets of a business have both the knowledge and understanding of their products, techniques, and advancement within their product range.

Staff members from Makers across all disciplines attended Triflex’s Technology Centre in Stone Staffordshire to learn more about new products and have a refresher practical session for some and a complete new introduction for others with all attendees carrying out detail hands on practices to become familiar with the products and application methods.

The first point is understanding the required preparation, mixing and product selection and then through the practical session creating that environment to allow the application to take place. Understanding the labelling is key with 2k and 3k indication a 2 or 3 component product.

Triflex Training DayAs well as the product numbers many of the products come with a German RAL number which indicates the colour of the product but labels can be misplaced so having an understanding of the expectant shade is key and by using the internet a quick search of the RAL colour can corroborate the correct colour.

“Even though we have been applying Triflex products for a number of years it’s important that you don’t become complacent so getting a health check on your skills is always a good practice”.

Simon Lamb
Managing Director Makers

Makers staff representing a number of disciplines attended the course hosted by Richard Bowyer National Sales Manager for Car Parks UK provided an insight into the company’s history, its development and philosophy towards both parking and roofing approach with many of the techniques and chemistry being adopted in both sectors.

Triflex Training DayThe practical sessions provided each candidate with their own individual training station together with a number of products to complete the detailing task. Candidates were invited to observe the application by the technician Sean and then proceed to replicate the attempt at their own station. What looked like a very quick and simple process suddenly hit reality and what was made to look easy became all too quickly an exercise in patience and approach.

The benefit of the PMMA technology is the speed at which polymerisation takes place but that puts an unconscious pressure on those who aren’t familiar with the products in terms of working time. To everyone surprise detail areas take surprisingly longer than nice flat areas and at some points Sean came to the rescue.

“We quickly realised that catalyst has quite an effect on the product, especially in heat generation but moreover in making sure everything is to hand before you start, time goes and you can easily waste product if you are not careful”.

Bill Jones
Apprentice Site Supervisor

Triflex Training Day“It’s been really interesting and practical, at first I was unsure of what I was doing but my confidence grew through each stage of the application and I think I produced the best sample of the day, according to Sean”.

Sam Clough
Health and Safety Technician

The practical sessions covered essential areas from mixing, packaging, the correct amount of catalyst and the effect of winter and summer working, to the correct use of tools and especially cleaning and spotting problems which in most cases develop due to reduction in required consumptions. Simple techniques including sound changes and roller flow act as an essential guide to correct application and the correct use of detail reinforcement was also covered in the practical sessions.

Triflex Training DayAs with all things they soon turn to maths and for some it becomes a nightmare but the Triflex systems take the guesswork out so that systems are applied correctly to the required consumptions and coupled with the packaging sizes helps to understand and calculate the correct amount of materials required.

“From Sales to Operations it’s important that we all understand the products and systems we use and some knowledge is better than none. Today has been an eye opener as Triflex are our biggest material supplier so it’s vital that from all aspects we understand what is required to make these systems perform and moreover from my perspective getting hands on makes it even easier for me to bestow the virtues of the Triflex range”.

Jon Westwood
New Business Director

Triflex Training DayThe intense training day ended with a Q &A session and discussion of site situations, what to look for and potential issues that can arise through substrate temperatures. The purpose of the session is to transfer knowledge throughout all areas of the business.

“Having Simon here provides that extra layer of knowledge and translating it back into the Makers business so his staff understand the importance of key areas and avoiding costly mistakes, not everyone takes the same approach but we openly welcome it”.

Richard Bowyer, Triflex

Makers would like to extend their appreciation to Richard and his team for their hospitality, patience and knowledge during the day and fielding all the questions. Many thanks.

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