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Makers appoints first Mental Health First Aider

Karen Moody Mental Health First AiderThey say construction is a “crazy game” and those in it, more so, but suffering in silence is neither clever or brave, but seems to stem from our culture of a stiff upper lip and a get on and do attitude.

Mental Health has for many years been on the back burner and it has only been recently that the change in attitude to mental health has come about. This is through high profile celebrities, sportsmen and women admitting that they have struggled with mental health and have brought it out into the open.

We are by nature a very private society and in the main keep personal matters to ourselves but it is often this attitude which is a blocker and stops us as individuals getting the help that we need. Sometimes just to talk through a problem can feel like a weight lifted, but it’s that first initial step when taken, starts the process.

Mental Health can go unnoticed by many of us even with our closest work colleagues but yet can have a devastating effect. Mental health covers a wide range of aspects but in truth result in many similar attributes, lack of attention, drop in productivity, increase in accidents, isolation, aggressive behaviour and unhappiness. Whilst in most cases we shrug it off, in some cases, there is an underlying issue which the person in question doesn’t know how to deal with it, or who to contact.

Mental Health First Aider LogoMakers are delighted to announce that we have introduced our very first Mental Health First Aider Karen Moody whose role is to is provide that conduit whereby all employees of Makers can contact her in confidence whereby she can direct them to the appropriate expert, organisation or charity to deal with their specific issue.

The conversations and discussions with Karen are in the strictest of confidence and are not recorded but will hopefully start the journey to mental health improvement and obtaining expert advice and assistance.

Our Mental Health affects our home, work, and social life and so it is important that we place as much emphasis on this as a visible injury. Karen on SiteIt is much easier to adjust our position when considering a visible injury but not so easy when it’s that unknown invisible psychological one.

The key to success is awareness which starts with the posters we are now going to be displaying on each construction project we have. The key is, that if we are worried about a colleague, we can now direct them to someone in the company that can help and guide them to the right expert. Karen has a list of organisations with direct contact numbers who specialise in a range of issues from Debt, Anxiety, Depression through to Bereavement etc. and will provide the relevant assistance in contacting the required specialist.

Mental Health PostersAs well as actively providing awareness posters, St Johns Ambulance assistance cards “Start the conversation” will be made available to all employees and encourage the care for others.

“Firstly, my thanks to Karen, it wasn’t easy selecting someone as they have to be the right fit, have the right approach and temperament with such a subject…it is difficult in the first place for an individual to admit they are struggling and Karen is an immensely supportive person and I am delighted that she has become our very first Mental Health First Aider. Mental Health CardsI hope that those in need of Karen’s assistance will take up the offer as the sooner the healing and help can take place the better for the individual and us as a business. We have over the last two years lost very close family and friends which is bound to have an effect and I am glad that the team now has someone to turn to in confidence to assist with their needs”.

Simon Lamb Managing Director.

“This is something we have wanted to introduce for a while now and I am delighted that we have made that commitment and that Karen who is now trained is available to all employees to discuss their issues in the strictest confidence”.

Sean Allsop HSQE Manager

As part of our drive to increase awareness Makers have developed a tool box talk which highlights and encourages the pathway to recognising someone in difficulty and encouraging them to take that first step and start the conversation. The more the teams become aware of the support available the quicker help can be provided.

We would like to acknowledge and thank all those organisations that set out to help all those in need and are looking after our Mental Wellbeing.

Thank You!

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