“Makers Life Care Launched”
Makers Life care was launched at the Parking World Expo in London this month as part of its “heartbeat campaign”. Life care planning is critical to the survival
and correct maintenance of your structure and Makers new free service offers a guiding hand for clients to obtain correct Life care planning. As with structures everyone needs Life care and attendees were presented with Makers Life care pedometers to encourage visitors to step their way fitter.
Damilola Onamusi was the day’s winner amassing over 9000 steps during the exhibition, pictured here with Graeme Middleton.
“What a fab idea, I can’t believe how many steps I have done; I need one of these for my mum.”
Damilola Onamusi, Event Logistics
We recommend everyone starts slowly but going above 10,000 steps will keep you fit and healthy but your only 2 steps away from Makers Life care. Makers have developed a QR code which when scanned will take you directly to a submission page and programme. Populate and submit and you’re on the way, it couldn’t be simpler.
For more information scan the QR code below or email, lifecare@makers.biz for a copy of the Life care brochure.
Makers life care has been designed to ensure clients get good information at an early stage to allow them to make timely decisions about their structures. Makers has expertise and knowledge and we wish to share this with prospective clients to help them through the process of Life care.
“All asset owners have a duty of care, we want to ensure our Clients and their structures are in good shape. We are offering an early warning process which we hope they will take up.”
Graeme Middleton, BDM, Makers