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Intu Milton Keynes Shopping Centre Car Park

Intu Milton Keynes Shopping Centre Car Park

Intu Milton Keynes Shopping Centre Car Park

The intu Shopping Centre car park provides parking for 738 vehicles for use by their customers. Makers were engaged to improve the condition of the car park which had been suffering water leakage between the parking deck levels and into tenant areas.

At 24,000 m2, it had suffered from splits and repairs in the existing asphalt layer. This coupled with old movement joints, was creating issues both to the structure and structural steel work. Active corrosion was taking place within the concrete ramps and stalactites were visible from within the car park, posing a potential problem to customer’s vehicles.

The concrete exit and entrance ramps both required concrete repairs and the installation of corrosion control measures, in order to protect the structure from chloride attack. The surrounding unpainted surfaces were also in need of refreshing.

The existing lighting system was expensive to run and alternative lighting options were to be considered to improve both the lighting levels and the annual running costs. The lighting package would also examine the potential of illuminated signage and wayfinding. The continued water penetration had badly affected the fire protective coatings to the structural steel work and had caused the steel work to corrode. As well as looking unsightly, the protective coating was not complete and put the structure at risk.

See the .pdf for the full Car Park Refurbishment Case Study…

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