ASDA Haydon Podium Steps Waterproofing
As one of ASDA’s framework contractors Makers were called in to assess the works required to the steps and to design a solution for the Amphitheatre Steps and the podium slab. There were many issues regarding the steps, previously these had been tiled over an existing membrane and had become loose and de-bonded in numerous places making the area unsafe to the general public.
The steps located by the nearby ASDA store consisted of some 1200m2 of surface areas of combined tread and rises and flat roof on an existing pedestal system. An NHS facility was located directly below the steps and had for many years suffered from water penetration which was not only affecting the existing structure but also the working environment below.
The steps had previously received a combination of treatments which over time had failed to address the water ingress issues and so following intrusive investigation by Makers a fully waterproofing scheme was designed with manufacturing partner Triflex who designed the necessary details in their Proterra system to overcome movement and areas of potential cracking and water ingress.
The brief was to ensure that the finished works complemented the surrounding architecture and was sympathetic in colour.
See the .pdf for the full Roof Refurbishment Case Study…
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