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Christmas Message

Christmas Message 2021

The last 2 years have been difficult for many people and companies and we have been acutely aware of the contributions and support from our Clients, Customers and supply chain. As a thank you we will be shortly distributing Our Christmas thank you’s and look forward to working with you all again next year.

In 2020 our Christmas message was about thanking and celebrating the hard work the NHS had done with the #staysafe campaign but with strides to get back to a degree of normality we face yet another big challenge regarding our planet.

The Conference of Parties COP26 took place in Glasgow this year, delayed due to Covid but provided the opportunity to see how respective Governments were shaping up in relation to their 5-year targets for Climate change. It is clearly understood that with legally binding targets and funds to match the Climate change agenda will fall short and with it the consequences for all.

So with electric cars making up 20% of the new registrations in the UK this month and new technology coming on line this year the message is simple, #OURPLANET by searching via the # you will be redirected to a series of short films produced by NETFLIX and narrated by SIR David Attenborough. One of which is 5 things you can do

Christmas time is a time of giving and receiving and for many of us with young families a magical time. We would like to encourage our Clients and Customers to give a little thought to recycling those Toys that need a “second life’, the ones that will be replaced with newer and maybe more exciting ones, but there are many Charities that would welcome these for those less fortunate at what can be a trying time, rather than the easier option of putting in the bin.

After the last 18 months we are all desperate for everyone to have the best Christmas ever especially after last year, but would ask that we all take a little time to see how we minimise our impact by reusing, recycling or even regifting and make it part of the Christmas Celebrations.

On behalf of everyone at Makers, we thank you all for your continued support, we wish you and your families a Safe and Happy Christmas and look forward to working with you again in 2022!

Merry Christmas !!


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