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It’s Gold Gold Gold! Again for Makers.

Gold Medal Award received from RospaJohn Walker, Makers Compliance Manager took centre stage at the Birmingham Metropole Hotel on July 4th to be presented with Makers 3rd Gold Medal from ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents).

The award presented by Dr John Lloyd Vice Chairman commemorated 8 consecutive Gold Awards to Makers and their 3rd Gold Medal.

gold rospa 1 2018“It is a great honour to receive this medal on behalf of the Company and is in recognition of all the hard work the workforce put in”

John Walker, Compliance Manager

“I am delighted we have been recognised again for our attitude towards prevention of accidents. Congratulations must go to Sean and his team and all involved who continue to maintain such high standards.

With the significant increase in work volumes this is a testament to the processes and people we employ throughout the business”

Simon Lamb, MD


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