Makers Applauds Academic Success
In the world of full time work it is often difficult to balance the requirements and demands of work, home life and the desire to achieve academic qualifications.
For the following 3 people their success is even more remarkable given they had never had any 6th form or higher education and have been away from that environment for a significant number of years.
Our congratulations go to Dean Hubbard and Mick Stubbs who have completed and passed their BTEC level 3 Construction and the Built Environment at Walsall College.
“I am utterly delighted and amazed myself. At the start of the course I couldn’t even turn on a computer and when they asked me to search via Google I hadn’t a clue.”
Dean Hubbard, Trainee Site Manager
“We were aware that college work would be an issue for Dean but he has worked extremely hard to pass his qualifications and we are delighted with his effort and achievement”
Sean Allsop, HSQE Manager
Dean has been a stand out student and has been selected by Walsall Tutors to represent the College as Student of the Year. Dean was recently interviewed by Birmingham City University concerning ‘Further Education in England – transforming lives and communities.’
“Dean arrived at College with few formal qualifications but with years of labouring experiences on building sites. He was new to technology and found using a computer daunting and used pen and paper for all his written tasks. His college experience has made him more confident with computers, enabled him to take on more responsibility in his role as site manager and these opportunities have arisen since returning to college as an apprentice with Makers Construction.”
Dr. Rob Smith, Birmingham City University
“This opportunity has changed me. I can do things; things I thought couldn’t do, so now I’ll give things a go. Things for me are now possible”.
Dean Hubbard
“Mick was very apprehensive about attending college as a mature student and with limited computer skills he was of a generation where IT wasn’t as important as what you could do with your hands. College was going to be a tough experience for Mick despite his years of site experience this was a whole new world.”
“Honestly I was scared and wasn’t sure I would be able to cope with college work and work work, but Andy Stubbs was magic and got me through. It’s not been easy…but I’ve passed and my folks are delighted.”
Mick Stubbs, Trainee Site Manager
“No matter how you plan things life has a habit of throwing you a few curved balls and Mick was not immune to this position. He soldiered on, passed his BTEC for which he should be immensely proud and we hope he can now fully apply himself to the next level”
Simon Lamb, MD
“I look forward to college, even my mentors are learning stuff they are teaching us. I really want the next level and don’t want to let anyone down so it’s NVQ Level 4 which will be a whole new ball game.”
Mick Stubbs
Away from the site based team our office staff are also qualifying at the highest level. Niki Baker, mother of 2 has been with Makers for over 20 years and took the decision to obtain further qualifications to assist her in her role within the Makers Finance team.
Attending night school after work was both time consuming and demanding.
“Managing a demanding job, balancing night school with exams was incredibly hard, especially when you have the added demands of trying to run a home.”
Niki Baker, Finance Manager
The 3 year qualification saw Niki study at her local Sutton Coldfield College and Birmingham Metropolitan College and it was her first foray into higher education having left school at an early age.
“My love for learning has gone further than I imaged and for my mum and dad to see me graduate was really emotional.”
For the past 3 years Niki has completed her level 2, 3, & 4 Accountancy examinations which has led her to become Finance Manager within Makers but also a member of the Association of Accounting Technicians. (MAAT). Andrew Cleaves, principle of the Birmingham Metropolitan College was at hand to present successful students their graduation certificates at Birmingham Town Hall.
“Our graduation ceremony is in recognition of the hard work our students, as well as the families, friends and teaching staff who have supported and inspired them along the way.”
Andrew Cleaves, Principle Birmingham Metropolitan College
We congratulate and applaud all those employees who strive to continue to learn, and make themselves more equipped to tackle the day to day demands of their respective roles and wish them every success in their endeavours.