Makers Launches Workwear Range
Following on from feedback from our clients, Makers has introduced a new work wear range for both its operatives and site management.
After consultation with interested parties the range has been designed to clearly identify Makers personnel, and provide them with a modern comfortable look which also provides the correct protection for the operation they undertake.
“We are looking for a more professional look, especially for our site managers, but we want our operations staff to be clearly identifiable and project a more consistent image of the company.”
Darren Wootton, Operations Director
“It’s been positively received from the guys, they really look the part, the investment by the company underlines how important our operatives are to the business.”
Sean Allsop, HSQE Manager
“The process roll out started with the Apprentices and once they were on site it wasn’t long before the jungle drums were beating. The design process and choice of product had to be evaluated to ensure we had the right range to match both comfort and practicalities.”
Stuart Rooker, Finance Director
The new clothing range has had an immediate impact with all the site operatives receiving their bespoke clothing packs.
Designed for comfort and protection the operatives have a new look with ‘T’ shirts, Hoodies, Sweatpants and Overalls together will all necessary PPE and High Viz attire. Site managers have both a site day to day look and a formal meeting look, this has also resulted in a colour coding of helmets to distinguish between site managers, operatives and apprentices.
“We have listened to our clients and made the investment and have tried to introduce the suggestions as quick as possible. We thank them for their positive contributions and hopefully they can see that we have acted on their observations.”
Simon Lamb, Managing Director