Makers “Apprentice” Secures Ryder Cup
Joe Marler a recent recruit on Makers apprenticeship scheme has already revealed his talent for “winning and leadership”
Joe, captain of Branston’s junior section lead a 12 strong team to defeat Willesley Park Juniors in a thrilling Ryder Cup Event held at Willesley Park Golf Club on Sunday 21st September.
Makers sponsored the caddies who performed their “labouring” and “support” duties over the 36 hole competition which saw Branston Juniors take an impressive lead in the early morning “foursomes” format winning all six matches.
“we are delighted to be involved and support youth sport. Golf is a superb vehicle providing young players with fantastic life skills that they can take into business..”
Simon Lamb – MD
“I think Willesley were a little shell shocked when the Branston team arrived looking very professional with each player’s name emblazoned on the caddies bib. I am sure it gave us an advantage.
Joe Marler – Trainee Quantity Surveyor
The afternoon singles saw a spirited fight back by Willesley where the matches were split. 5 ½ points to Willesley, 6 ½ to Branston, giving Branston victory 12 to 5 ½
Branston proved worthy winners with some great golf played by both sets of players in a fantastic Ryder Cup Event, which Branston will look to host next year.
Captain of Willesley Park, Rod Ashworth and Tim Winn Vice-Captain of Branston, presented the Ryder Cup kindly donated by Willesley past Captains to Joe Marler and his victorious team, whereby players of both teams were presented with players medals.
Tim Winn, Vice Captain Branston Golf Club
“The buzz on the first tee was unbelievable, I had goose bumps and I wasn’t even playing”.
Rod Ashworth Willesley Park Captain,
“I have spoken with each player they have all had a fantastic and memorable day, they are to be congratulated.”
Eloquent acceptance speeches were made by both junior captains who thanked the organisers, contributors and sponsors of the event, Minos Systems and Makers Construction Limited.
Steve Install Branston Junior match organisor said,
“It’s been a very long and emotional day, it’s been beyond every expectation, it just has been fantastic and the support we have received from parents and sponsors has been incredible..”