Makers Win at BPA Awards
It was a day of celebration at the annual BPA awards as Makers and it’s team were awarded “Best Refurbishment 2012” for the project at the Barracks Street MSCP, Coventry.
This is the 4th time Makers have won the prestigious award to the delight of the team involved in the Coventry project. Barracks MSCP had undergone a significant investment by Coventry City Council and this was recognised by the judges of the award category who saw the project as “outstanding in its field”
“I am delighted that we have won, we always try and produce good solid projects which clearly meet the criteria identified by the judges.”
Peter Cowlard – Director
“everytime I dont attend we win! Obviously delighted for everyone involved in what was a very difficult and technical project. My thanks must go to Darren, Kenny and his team for such a fantastic job and I am pleased that their efforts and those of our Partners have been recognised…. I suppose I won’t be allowed to attend next year!”
Simon Lamb – Managing Director
“a good solid project with the right approach, it has been a pleasure to work with Makers, on time and on budget, my thanks to them…”
Rob Walling – Eclipse Consulting
“it’s absolutely great to win, I’m delighted, congratulations to everyone..”
Nigel Weyman – Coventry City Council