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Chubb Building Birmingham, Structural Refurbishment

Chubb Building Birmingham, Structural Refurbishment

Chubb Building Birmingham, Structural Refurbishment

Chubb Building Birmingham Structural RefurbishmentThe Chubb Building on Lionel Street in Birmingham has been an iconic land mark for many years, but has unfortunately fallen into disrepair from its original use of a multistorey office block, for the Chubb lock manufacturer. As with many such buildings they wished to repair rather than demolish and decided a change of use.

Makers were tasked with organising a visual inspection of the external facades and also to assess the repair works within the building itself.

This identified spalling and cracking of the coatings and failure of not just the original concrete, but also of previous repairs where the steel had continued to expand and force the existing repairs out as well.

Read the case study to see how Makers got on…

Read how the full structural refurbishment was carried out…

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Chubb Building Structural Refurbishment Case Study

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